SnapSc orer v4.0

User Guide

1 Introduction

2 Getting Started

    2.1 Downloading the App from the App Store

    2.2 Creating a Club

    2.3 Building your Membership

        2.3.1 Manual Entry

        2.3.2 Importing Information from Other Programmes

       2.3.3 Accessing the Membership Database on BridgeWebs

        2.3.4 Maintaining Player Records

        2.3.5 Setting Players as Scorers and or Directors

3 Movements and Movement Cards

    3.1 Movements built into SnapScorer

    3.2 Printing Movement Cards

    3.3 Creating Your Own Movements

4 Creating a Duplicate Sessions

    4.1 Create the session

    4.2 Entering Players

    4.3 Using Auto Guess Partner

    4.4 Entering Results

        4.4.1 Manual Entry

        4.4.2 Dictation

    4.5 Handicaps

    4.6 Recovering Corrupt Sessions

5 Teams Matches

5,1 Creating a club for the opposition

5.2 Creating a Teams Match

5.3 Entering Players

5,4 Viewing Results

6 Using PhoneScorer

    6.1 What is PhoneScorer?

    6.2 Download PhoneScorer from the App store

    6.3 Setting up a Local Wifi Network

    6.4 Wireless Scoring with PhoneScorer

        6.4.1 Starting a session

        6.4.2 Entering Player Details on PhoneScorer

        6.4.3 Enter Results for each board

        6.4.4 Finishing the session on PhoneScorer

    6.5 Editing and Deleting Results from the PhoneScorer Control Panel

    6.6 Finishing the PhoneScorer Session on SnapScorer

7 Displaying and Distributing Results

    6.1 Viewing the Results on your iPad

    6.2 Distributing Results

8 iCloud Backup

9 Privacy Policy

1 Introduction

SnapScorer is an Apple IOS based bridge scoring system. It is aimed at small and medium sized Bridge Clubs who use travellers for recording results and then either scored by hand or entered scores into bridge scoring software. On its own, SnapScorer offers quick and easy system for entering scores. Entry speed is enhanced by use of bespoke dynamic keyboards, whilst speech recognition gives the potential for even faster entry. 

Used in conjunction with the PhoneScorer app, SnapScorer also allows real time scoring at the table using iPhones or iPads. Results are available immediately the session has completed.

PhoneScorer can also be used for scoring of Teams of 4 or 8 removing the need to enter scores into a spreadsheet to calculate results.

2 Getting Started

2.1 Downloading the App from the App Store

Open up the App store on your iPad and search for SnapScorer.

2.2 Creating a Club

Open the SnapScorer app and tap Add Club on the Welcome screen. 

The top half of this screen is for entering your clubs details. As a minimum, you need only enter a name for your club, e.g. New Bridge Club. This name is used later on various App screens, in emails and automatically created folder and result file names.  The bottom half of the screen are various default values used by SnapScorer each time you create an event.

Tap Save Club when you’re done. You can return to edit this information at any point in the future. 

Your Bridge Club should now appear in the My clubs list on the Welcome screen.

2.3 Building your Membership

The next step is to build your membership data.

Open your club by tapping your clubs name in the My Clubs list.

Tap Membership. At this stage you should see only 2 players, Missing PlayerA and Missing PlayerB. These will be required if you have a half table. 

2.3.1 Manual Entry

If you have no previous electronic records of your clubs membership, then you have to build your membership by adding each member manually. On the Membership screen tap Add Player.

As a minimum, you need only enter a first name and a surname. Tap Save Player when you’re done.  You can return to edit the player details at any point in the future.

2.3.2 Importing Information from Other Programmes

SnapScorer allows you to import existing membership information exported from other programs. If you have been using another scoring program it is important to maintain each players Id number. This will allow you to still use the other scoring programme if you wish. If you have been uploading results to BridgeWebs it is best to use the automatic download facility. See Section 2.3.3.

To import player details from text files they must be in the correct format and placed in the correct directory on your iPad. Files must be comma de-limited text files. The text fields can be either plain or “ de-limited.  Also, the first line of the file must contain field names.

The following two examples are in the correct format.

Example 1.  comma delimited, no text field delimiter





Example 2,  comma delimited and “ text field delimiter





The file can have any number of fields and any field names and must have either a txt or csv file extension.

To place text files in the correct directory on your iPad, use the Files app, tap on iCloud Drive and tap on the SnapScorer directory. You should have a folder with your club name, e.g. New Bridge Club. This folder is created automatically when you created your club. 

SnapScorer looks for player details files in this directory so move your file to here.

Once you have done this you can import your data.

From the Main Menu tap File Management the tap Import player data

Tap the Filename field and select the filename from the list that appears. If nothing appears on the list you have not placed your file in correct sub-directory. 

Tap Analyse File

If SnapScorer matches the field headers in the import file to a specific programme, it will fill all of Field Names below. If it can not match the field headers, you will need to tap each Field Name box in turn and select the correct Field Name.

N.B. unless the file being imported has been generated by SnapScorer, you can not select a Field Name for FullName. This is automatically generated.

Tap Import Records

You should now have a list of all the imported players. Tap All, Members or Visitors to display specific categories. Tap A-Z or Z-A to sort by first name. 

If you are importing information first time you are done. If you have previously entered or imported player details and there are player records with conflicting values you will be presented with a list of conflicts. To update SnapScorer with the imported value tap Update adjacent to each imported value you want to keep. Otherwise do nothing.

Once you have reviewed all of the conflicts tap Done.

2.3.3 Accessing the Membership Database on BridgeWebs

First make sure you have provided the correct BridgeWebs clubID and password in your Club Details.

From the Main Menu tap BridgeWebs.

Tap Download from BridgeWebs to download what is currently stored in the Membership database on your BridgeWebs site. 

A file call playerDownload.csv is automatically stored in your clubs iCloud Drive directory and you are automatically transferred to the Import Player Data screen. To complete the import process tap Import Records.  If there are any differences between what is already held in SnapScorer and that imported from BridgeWebs you will be transferred to a screen where you can choose which record you wish to keep.

2.3.4 Maintaining Player Records

If you are using the BridgeWebs Site, if you need to create a new player, ALWAYS create it on SnapScorer. This is intuitive, as you are most likely to do this when a Visitor turns up to play bridge at your club.

Once the new player has been created, immediately upload you player data to BridgeWebs by tapping BridgeWebs and Upload to BridgeWebs. A file call playersToUpload.csv is created and saved in your clubs iCloud Drive directory. You will be required to enter your BridgeWebs Admin password correctly, to initiate the upload process.

it is IMPORTANT to review your the settings in BridgeWebs that determine how BridgeWebs deals with personal information uploaded in-this fashion. Log on as administrator and click on Membership and Options. The first four settings will determine how BridgeWebs responds to uploads from SnapScorer.

If you have a number of iPads being used for scoring, downloading player Data from BridgeWebs before each session will ensure that any players created elsewhere appear on your iPad before starting. 

If you have a number of iPads being used for scoring BUT don’t use the BridgeWebs site, create a text file by tapping FileTransfer on the main menu and tap Export Player Data. Enter a filename and file type and tap the Write File to Disk button under For SnapScorer header. Tap eMail File to Scorers to create an email addressed to all your scorers. Your player file is automatically attached.

2.3.5 Setting Players as Scorers and or Directors

You will need to set at least one player as a Scorer and one player as a Director.  Players can be both. If you dont do this, you will not be able to complete setting up of a duplicate session.

Open you Bridge Club and tap Membership.

Find the player you want to set as a sScorer and/or a Director and tap their record.

Tap the Tournament Director slider to toggle from off to on, or vice versa

Tap the Scorer slider to toggle from from off to on, or vice versa.

Tap Save Player.

3 Movements and Movement Cards

3.1 Movements built into SnapScorer

All duplicate session created on SnapScorer require a movement to be selected. To view all of the movements currently built into SnapScorer open your Bridge Club and tap Movements. 

The built-in movements are listed in the top table. You can not delete any of these, however, you can copy and edit them or create your own movements from scratch. These will appear in the lower table

There are movements for 2 to 16 tables, for situations where you need either 1 or 2 winners. The exception being for 10 & 11 tables where there are only 1 winner movements.

Select movements for a particular No of tables by pressing the green table buttons at the bottom.

If you tap on a movement you can select from a list of options. Mark as Favourite those movements you want to regularly use. 

Tap the Favourites button to display just your favourites.

Tap View All to revert back to the complete list.

3.2 Printing Movement Cards

To print a set of movement cards, tap the movement you want and tap Print. This produces a printable HTML file saved to your in clubs iCloud directory.

N.B. DO NOT ASSUME that your clubs existing movement cards match those stored in SnapScorer. 

3.3 Creating Your Own Movements

If you wish to create your own movements, that match existing movement cards you have then either tap Add Movement and create one from scratch or copy one of the built-in movement by tapping the movement and selecting   Copy To Local Movements. This will create a copy of the movement which you can edit by tapping its name and selecting Open. This opens a screen where you can edit it line by line, check its integrity and either print it locally or eMail it to SnapScorer developers for potential inclusion in latter releases of SnapScorer. 

Once you have created your own movement, it will appear in the list of movements that you can select from when setting up a duplicate session.

4 Creating a Duplicate Sessions

N.B. If you have not set at least one player as a Scorer and as a Director you will first need to go back to your Membership and designate at least one player to be a Scorer and one as a Director. See 2.3.4.

4.1 Create the session

To create a duplicate session open your Bridge Club.

Tap Duplicate Pairs

Tap Add Duplicate Session

You will notice that a number of fields have already been entered according to the defaults entered when you set up your Club. You can edit these here. If in the future you wish for other values to be automatically populated when you create a new duplicate session you need to go back the main menu and tap Club Details.

SnapScorer automatically provides a date and time based on when you created the session. To change it, tap the Date of Session field and select a new date from the Date selector.

Enter an Event Title.

If required change the default Event ID (based on date). The event ID is used to allow changes to hand results submitted from PhoneScorer to be made from PhoneScorer.

Tap the Movement Name field and select a movement. This populates the Movement Name and the No of Tables fields.

Tap the Director field and select a name from the list that appears. 

Tap the Scorer field and select a name from the list that appears.

The next four options (Rateable, Master Pt, MP Scale and MP Type) relate to how the EBU deal with the results file when you upload it their site. If your club is not affiliated to the EBU then you do not have to worry about these settings.

The last two settings (H Cap Period, Min Sessions) relate to how SnapScorer calculates handicaps. See section 5.4.

Tap Save Duplicate Session. Any missing data will be prompted for.  You will not be able to save the duplicate session until all required information has been entered.

If you want to edit the details of your duplicate session, then tap it from the list of duplicate sessions and tap Edit Duplicate Session. You will notice that you can not change the Movement or No of Tables once it is initially saved. You will need to delete the duplicate session and create a new session if you get this wrong. 

4.2 Entering Players

Read this section if you are NOT using the PhoneScorer App. Otherwise go to Section 5. Using PhoneScorer.

Tap the duplicate session to select it. 

Tap Players. to open the Player Entry screen where you  enter your players for the duplicate session.

To select a player, find the player in the players list. Swipe up & down to scroll the players list or use the filter and sort by buttons. Once you have found the right player tap it. This highlights the players name in the list. Now tap the ‘North’, ‘South’, ‘East’ or ‘West’ field for the table where that person is sitting. The highlighted name appears in that field and is removed from the players list.

To remove a player from a seat, swipe up on the players name. The name is removed and placed back in the players list.

Once you have filled all the tables, tap Save Players to save your entries. You can do this at any time and return to complete player entry if necessary.  Likewise, you can return to edit names if you have got one wrong.

If you have a half table, select Missing PlayerA and Missing Player B from the list. They are Visitors so you will need to select the Visitors list.

If you have a person playing who is not register as a Member or Visitor,  you will need to go back to your Membership and add them before you can complete player entry.

N.B. Until you have entered all of the players you will not be able to enter your travellers.

4.3 Using Auto Guess Partner

If switched on, Auto Guess Partner will allow SnapScorer to guess the 2nd player of a pair. This speeds up entry where players regularly play with the same partner. It enters the most played with partner in the previous 3 months.  Predictions are not made if partners have been played with fewer than 3 times in the previous 3 months.

On the Player Matrix screen, tap the ‘Auto Guess Partner’ slider to toggle from on to off or vice versa.

4.4 Entering Results

To enter the results for a board, tap one off the blue numbered Board buttons on the duplicate session screen. Ticked board buttons indicate the board has been completed.  

When the traveller screen opens, the Pair Nos for all lines that need to be enter are automatically filled. You can not edit these as they are defined by your movement. The cursor is initially positioned in the Contract Tricks field on the first line. The dynamic keyboard at the bottom gives you keys for all allowable entries in that field. 

4.4.1 Manual Entry

Simply tap the keyboard to enter the correct data. 

As you enter data, the cursor automatically steps to the next field and the keyboard changes. When you select the No of Tricks made, SnapScorer automatically calculates the score and positions the cursor in the Contract Tricks field on the next line.

When you have finished entry: 

Tap Match Points to calculate the Match Points for this board. 

Tap Save Traveller. If you simply tap Save Traveller SnapScorer calculates the Match Points if not already done so.

Any partially entered traveller lines will be deleted when you tap Save Traveller

You can move the entry cursor at any time by simply tapping on the field where you want to enter information.

If you make an error, simply tap on the field you want to change and tap the correct key on the keyboard. You can clear an entry by swiping up on the field.

Once you have saved a completed board, the numbered board button on the duplicate session screen will be Ticked.

4.4.2 Dictation

In addition to manual entry you can also dictate each line. You MUST be connected to the internet for dictation to work.

Tap R button at the end of the line you want to enter text into. 

Once the Start Dictating box appears start dictating. Initial experience suggests saying the letters C, D, H,S and N for the suits and N, S, E, and W for the player and C, D,H,S and N for the suits gives better results. Say X for double, X X for re-double, P for passed out and A, A + or A - for average scores in the Contract Suit field.

Tap Save to save the dictation and populate the traveller line. 

Tap restart dictation, tap Stop followed by tapping Rec.

Tap anywhere outside the dictation pop up box to cancel dictation.

If SnapScorer can not suitably interpret what has been dictated it will empty the traveller line and prompt you with an error message.

4.5 Handicaps

Handicaps are calculated automatically each time a duplicate session is played. The two settings provided when you create a new duplicate session determine how the handicap is calculated.

Handicap Period is the period over which SnapScorer looks back for results for each player to base their current handicap on. This can be set to 365, 180 or 90 days.

Min Sessions is the minimum number of sessions a player must have played within the handicap period for SnapsCorer to calculate a handicap. Pair handicaps are simply the sum of the two players handicaps divided by 2.

Once a duplicate session has been completed, Handicaps results are available by displaying the results and tapping Handicap. Any pair where one or both players do not have a handicap will not appear in the handicap results. 

4.6 Recovering Corrupt Sessions

If a duplicate session (or one of its underlying files) becomes corrupt it can be recovered from back up files created automatically each time you exit from the player matrix or each time a traveller is saved. Back ups are also created when using PhoneScorer, each time a table is a registered or a hand result is sent to SnapScorer.

These back up are stored on the iCloud, in your clubs directory.

Every time a backup is made, the existing back up is saved in a similarly named file with a BK subscript.

The presence of a corrupt file typically results in the SnapScorer App crashing. If this happens to you, re-open the SnapScorer app and select your club. Select Duplicate Pairs and choose the duplicate session you were last working on. 

To check if a file has been corrupted, try opening one of the travellers and see if SnapScorer crashes again. 

If it crashes, then reopen the SnapScorer app, select your club, re-select the duplicate session, select Edit Session Details, and press Recover Corrupt Session.

The players and hand results are displayed in two tables.

You can swap between the two back ups.

Press Summary of Back up to display a summary of the back up.

Press Recovery from this back up when you’re happy with the data contained in the back up.

Once the recovery process you are diverted back to the main Duplicate Session screen and you are ready to go.

5 Teams Matches

Introduced with Version 3.1.0, SnapScorer can be used create and score Teams of 4 and Teams of 8 matches. No more spreadsheets to complete at intervals throughout the match.

5.1 Creating a club for the opposition

The first step is to create a club for your opponents. This is done following the steps outlined above when you created your own club. Once created, enter the names of the players who are playing for them.

5.2 Creating a Teams Match

Open your Club and tap Teams Matches

Tap Add Teams March

Enter your Match details. 

There are a number of additional fields that are required when creating Teams Matches. For Opposition and Venue. tap on each and select from the drop down lists. You should see a list of all the clubs on you iPad, including your own, just in case the match is against a Team from your own club.

There are also options when playing aTeams of 8 match for the following :-

a. How the Par Score for each board is calculated.

b. Which IMPS scale is to be used.

c. Which VP Scale is be used.

Simple tap on the filed and choose from the list that appears at the bottom.

SnapScorer allows scoring using the Add-then-Imp or Add-then-Modifed-Imp methods.  The ‘Tollemache’ Cross IMPs method or the ‘Garden Cities’ Imp-then-Add method are currently not supported by SnapScorer.

Once you have completed everything  Tap Save Match

5.3 Entering Players

Entering players can be done manually. Tap on the Match and Tap Players

Your club members are listed down the left hand side. Tap Opposition to see the players you entered in the opposition club.

You can also select players using PhoneScorer. Their names appear in the list of names as John Smith(LBC) where LBC are the initials of whatever you called their club. In this example it was Leicester Bridge Club. You can not use club nos to select players for the opposition.

5,4 Viewing Results

To view the Results, lets say after the first round of 8 boards, stop the PhoneScorer session and Tap Results.  For Team Matches, the results are presented an array of Boards showing the scores for each time a board was played.  The Imps score for each board is the displayed in the penultimate row, with the running Imps total in the bottom row. Red boxes indicate negative scores whilst green boxes indicate positive scores for your team.

The results automatically calculates the Match Score in Victory Points.

6 Using PhoneScorer

6.1 What is PhoneScorer?

PhoneScorer is an iPhone App that works in conjunction with SnapScorer to allow players to record results as boards are played during a duplicate session or a Teams match.

Like BridgeMate or other at table wireless scoring systems you will need one device at each table every round. With other systems the scoring device stays at one table. With PhoneScorer, because players will be reluctant to leave their iPhones at a table (if they are moving), at the beginning of each round a specific player (with an iPhone with the PhoneScorer App) is designated scorer for that round. To ensure that each round there is one player with an iPhone, you will need slightly more than half of your pairs to have an iPhone running PhoneScorer. The designated scorer at each table must enter all the boards for that round.

There is no charge for using PhoneScorer during a duplicate session or Teams match. A PhoneScorer credit is required, however, to view the results when PhoneScorer is used. You do not need to worry about whether you have credits when setting up you duplicate session, only when you want to see the results. 

You can add to the 3 complimentary credits provided when you download SnapScorer by tapping Buy PhoneScorer Credits from the Welcome screen.

6.2 Download PhoneScorer from the App store

To download, Open the App store on your iPhone (or iPad) and search for PhoneScorer.

6.3 Setting up a Local Wifi Network

You will need a wifi network when using PhoneScorer. Your iPad and all iPhones must be connected to the same wifi network when being used. N.B. your wifi does not need to be connected to the internet. 

You have three choices.

Existing wifi network

If your venue has it’s own wifi network then use this. Check that network is visible from all tables and that all players with PhoneScorer know the password and are connected. 

Setting up a blind wi-fi network, 

Buy a wireless router (for as little as £12) and set this up at your venue. It does not need to be connected to the internet and therefore does not need a password.  Again check the network is visible from all tables and that all players with PhoneScorer know the password (if you set one) and are connected.

Using an iPhone Hotspot 

If your venue does not have its own wifi network, you can use the personal Hotspot on someones mobile phone. Again check the Hotspot is visible from all tables and that all players with PhoneScorer know the password and are connected.

6.4 Wireless Scoring with PhoneScorer

6.4.1 Starting a session on SnapScorer

Once you have created your duplicate session on SnapScorer, check if you have any visitors or guests who need entering into the clubs Membership. If you have, enter their details into the Membership database.

Open your duplicate session and tap the Start PhoneScorer Session button. This opens the PhoneScorer Control Panel.

Tap the Start button and tap Ok. If you have had to stop the session and are restarting it, all previously entered player and board data entered will be preserved.

On starting a PhoneScorer session, your iPad screen will automatically dim to preserve your iPad battery. SnapScorer disables the idle time out setting on your iPad, so it will never go to sleep.

When you stop the PhoneScorer session, the screen brightness is returned to your original setting and the idle time out setting is re-enabled.

6.4.2 Entering Player Details on PhoneScorer

Open the PhoneScorer App. 

First you need to enter your iPad Name. This is the device name of the iPad running SnapScorer and is displayed in the top left hand corner of the PhoneScorer Control Panel screen on SnapScorer. Your Scorer should let you know what this is.

If your iPad name is not displayed in the middle of the screen you will need to change it to the correct one.

Tap Change iPad Name and select one from the list that appears.

If the iPad Name you need is not on the list, then tap Add iPad Name and add a new Host Name. 

iPad names are preserved on PhoneScorer so you should only need to add them once.    

Once you have the correct iPad Name displayed tap OK 

PhoneScorer automatically searches for you iPad. The screen will display “Waiting to Connect” if the Scorer has yet to start the session.

Once the Scorer starts the session, and PhoneScorer finds the iPad it will display "Connecting".  Once Connected, you will be either ready to Register your Table or Enter Results depending when you have joined the session.

Tap Register Table 

Select your Table No. You are automatically transferred to the Table Registration screen.

Tap on North and enter their club No. Click on OK to display the name.

Repeat this process for South, East and West.

Alternatively you can select players by their name. To move to this entry mode tap Use Names

Once you have entered the four players, tap Submit Table Details to send you table details to SnapScorer.

If other tables have yet to enter their details wait for the Scorer to start the session. "Please Wait" will be displayed on you phone.

If your table has been already entered you will be alerted. Speak with the Scorer.

Once all tables have been correctly entered and the Scorer has verified the player data, you will be automatically transferred to the results entry screen.

6.4.3 Enter Results for each board

Of you have just registered a table, the Table No and Round should be correctly set. If not, Tap the change button next to the green Table No field and select your Table No and Tap the change button next to the orange Round No field and select the correct Round.

This should automatically populate the player names. Check you have the correct players sitting with you. If you have not, then check your Round No and Table No and correct them. 

Once you have the correct players tap OK. The boards you are due to play will appear below. There should be all unticked indicating that they have yet to be played. If they are ticked, they have already been played.

Tap the board you intend to play first. You are transferred to Enter Results screen.

Enter the Contract and tap Contract OK

Enter Played By, Lead and the No of tricks made and tap OK.

On the next screen, the result string is displayed in middle. Ask your opponents to either Reject or Ok the result. 

If okayed, your phone should vibrate indicating the result has been transferred to the Host.  You are automatically transferred to a screen displaying the Percentages for NS and EW.  Tap Next to see the results from previous times this board has been played. Your score is marked with an asterisk. Tap Next to proceed with the next board.

N.B. The board buttons are ticked once the board has been played. If you press and hold a ticked board, then drag your finger away, a menu of actions appear.

View Traveller - Allows you to look again at the Traveller so see all the results for this board

Edit Result - Allows you to change your result in the event that you have a made a mistake

Delete Result - Allows you to delete the result you have entered for that board.

The last two options will require the Scorer to enter the duplicate sessions Event ID to complete the task.

Once all the boards have been played, tap Next Round to display the pair movement instructions.

Tap Next and wait for the TD to call for the next Round. 

6.4.4 Finishing the session on PhoneScorer

After all the rounds have been completed, tap the Close App button.

If at any time the PhoneScorer app is terminated (by accident or otherwise) or you are scoring a table for the first time, simply re-start the PhoneScorer App and run through the appropriate steps outlined in 5.4.2. If the session has already started you will not need to enter any player information.

6.5 Editing and Deleting Results from the PhoneScorer Control Panel

You can edit or delete any of the hand results from the PhoneScorer Control Panel.

Tap Travellers to display the travellers that have been entered.

Filter the travellers being  display by either board or table No.

Tap the traveller you wish to edit or delete.

On the Edit Hand Result screen that appear tap the fields you wish to change and enter the correct data.

Tap Save Changes to save the changes.

Tap Delete Result to remove the hand result to allow the result to be re-entered via PhoneScorer.

6.6. Finishing the PhoneScorer Session on SnapScorer

Once all the tables have completed entry of the last round, tap Stop  and tap OK.

Don’t forget you can re-start the session, tap Start PhoneScorer Session, tap Start and tap OK.

7 Displaying and Distributing Results

7.1 Viewing the Results on your iPad

To display the results of a duplicate session tap Results on the duplicate session screen. If you have used PhoneScorer you will be asked to pay a credit. If you are out of credits you will need to purchase more before you can see your results. At this point, SnapScorer automatically creates two results files that are stored in your clubs iCloud directory.

An HTML type file  e.g. “HTML 12 Nov 2020 at 16.00” . 

An XML type file e.g “USEBIO 12 Nov at 16.00”

If any traveller is incomplete you will be prompted about completing entry, although you can proceed with displaying results, if for instance you cut the session short by not playing all the boards in the last rounds.

The overall result screen lists pairs according to their overall gross percentage.

Tap Handicap to list pairs according to their overall handicapped percentage. N.B. Any pair who has a player without a handicap will not appear in the handicap results.

Tap Results to revert back to the gross percentage scores.

7.2 Distributing Results

Tap eMail to Participants to generate an eMail addressed to all participants of the duplicate session. The title and text are automatically generated using default text given in Club Details. Th email can be edited prior to sending.

You can choose to include the HTML Results file or not in this eMail. Again this is a set in Club Details.

If you have SnapScorer being used on multiple iPads by different scorers at your club you can eMail scorers a copy of the USEBIO file from each duplicate session. This allows each iPad to be kept up to date. This is important for maintaining handicaps, player records and making sure Auto Guess Partner is optimised. 

Tap eMail to Scorers to create an eMail addressed to all you scorers that includes the USEBIO file. This can be edited before being sent.

If you have a BridgeWebs site you can automatically upload the results to BridgeWebs. 

Tap BridgeWebs. Tap the field to enter a results filename to upload and select from the list of filenames that appear. 

Tap Upload Results File to BridgeWebs.

If you have had to create a new player for your duplicate session make sure you upload your player data before uploading your results.

8 iCloud Backup

You are advised to backup all of the files created using SnapScorer to your iCloud Drive. If for some reason you accidentally remove the SnapScorer app from your iPad, this will remove all of the files associated with it. You can restore all your files from your latest iCloud Drive backup.

To make a back up, tap iCloud Backup on the Welcome to SnapScorer screen then tap Backup Now. It is good practice to do this after each duplicate session. You can delete old backups by tapping Delete Backup button.

If you do need to reinstall SnapScorer from the App store, there will be no clubs listed. At this point you can restore a back up. Tap iCloud Backup

Tap theBackup from the list of Backups (usually the latest one!). You should get a list of all the clubs that were backed up and if you tap each club a list of the duplicate sessions for that club

Tap Restore Backup. When you return to Welcome to SnapScorer screen you should see all of the clubs you backed up. 

9 Privacy Policy

As developer of the IOS based apps SnapScorer and PhoneScorer, I DO NOT store any personal information you may add to the SnapScorer or PhoneScorer apps.

I do not have servers or have any arrangements with third parties who do collect personal information. What ever information you add to SnapScorer on you iPad stays on your iPad.